Ankle Wall Touch Evaluation

Find where your score ranges and use the program associated with your score. After 2-3 weeks of the program re-test to check progress and make appropriate adjustments if your score changes

0-2 Inches

Perform these drill and exercises 3-4 Days a week in 4 weeks retest and compare results.

      1. A) Tissue work of the plantar faciae, achilles, Calf (soleus and gastrocnemius)
      2. B) Single leg Down Dog with ROM 2-3 sets of 12 reps each  
      3. C) Heel sit (in Dorsi flexion) 2-3 sets of 30 seconds

    1. D) Toe walk 50 yds or 150 steps

    1. E) Heel walk 50 yds or 150 steps

  1. F) Toe Raised 3 way wall touch 2-3 sets of 5 each directions


Did you scored in the range of 2-3 Inches?

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 Why is dorsiflexion vital for a elite speed?

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You’ll be assessed via a mix of coursework, essays, practical write-ups and surveying presentations, as well as online college check this service out homework help end-of-program projects.